Zoom Guidelines

This document is to provide guidance for NAFAS users of Zoom. It has been put together by a group
of people that have been using Zoom successfully since March 2020 and aims to share the benefit of
their experience.
It is not meant to replace the vast quantity of detailed information that is available from Zoom/on
the internet, it does not claim to be 100% accurate or exhaustive, nor is it aimed at first time users.
We have tried to give examples of what has worked for us throughout, as well as what did not work
well, all discovered by trial and error! If in doubt, give it a go.
The recent news of a vaccine being developed is fantastic but we anticipate that we are going to be
using online meetings for some time to come and need to make them as accessible and
professionally managed/presented as we can

PM171120 – NAFAS Zoom Guidelines

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