The London and Overseas Area recently held a Virtual Contemporary Floral Design Competition and have shared their results of two classes.

Class One : Embellished (Pave/Tapestry)

First : Pritesh Shah, Kenya FAC

Second : Preeti Sarda, Pushpabitan Friendship Society

Third : Shobha Thakrar, Kenya FAC

Very Highly Commended : Celia Barnes, West Wickham Floral Art Group and Anita Patel, Kenya FAC

Highly Commended : Jane Patterson, Eltham Park FAC, Alka Shah, Kenya FAC and Vinita Khemka, Pushpabitan Friendship Society

Commended : Harsha Shikotra,  Anila Hindocha, Jayna Shah all from Kenya FAC and Stefan Carolan, Ealing Flower Club 

Judge’s Overall Comments.  Judged by Valerie Best National Judge, Adjudicator and Instructor

‘A very good class of pave exhibits, generally well defined.  Care needs to be taken to finish the edges of containers and many exhibits were not necessarily indicative of the class title.’

Class 2 : Good Enough to Eat (a palisade exhibit)

First : Peter Bodnar, Ealing Flower Club

Second :  Shobha Thakrar, Kenya FAC

Third : Sunita Kanoria, Pushpabitan Friendship Society

Very Highly Commended : Nimita V Shah, Kenya FAC

Highly Commended : Mita Kanoria, Pushpabitan Friendship Society

Commended : Preeti Sarda and Bhawani Bansal of the Pushpabitan Friendship Society

Judge’s Overall Comments.  Judged by Valerie Best National Judge, Adjudicator and Instructor

‘Exhibits portrayed a variety of ways to create a palisade exhibit, some designs very loosely and some more definitive.  Finding a way to incorporate fencing into a design is not easy.  Any type of fencing, a central requirement, needs to be immaculate and obvious within the exhibit …. it can be plain or ornamental.’


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