Festival of Flowers, Chichester Cathedral

Members of the Sussex Area of NAFAS recently participated in the Festival of Flowers, held in Chichester Cathedral on 5th – 8th June 2024.  

Arrangers: Gaenor Circus, Area Chairman & Carol Lathleiff
L-R: Carol Lathleiff, Gaenor Circus and members from the Wessex & Jersey Area: Michael Bowyer MBE, Debbie Wadge & Susan Branch
L-R: Paula Richardson & Barbara Hoy
Arrangers: Jan Crouch & Nina Tucknott
Lancing Flower Club
Arrangers: Gaenor Circus & Carol Lathleiff
West Bognor Flower Club
Arrangers: Gaenor Circus & Carol Lathleiff
West Bognor Flower Club
Arrangers : Felpham Flower Club
Brenda Bull & Liz Aldridge
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