Zoom Guidelines

This document is to provide guidance for NAFAS users of Zoom. It has been put together by a group of people that have been using Zoom successfully since March 2020 and aims to share the benefit of their experience. It is not meant to replace the vast quantity of detailed information that is available from […]

A Christmas Demonstration by Sharon Dower

To view a demonstration by Sharon Dower, Area Demonstrator, Three Counties & South Wales Area of a foam free, Christmas table design please click on the following link:-   https://youtu.be/c2oaPsaT4TU   Best viewed in HD and at full screen.

A Comtemporary Autumn Arrangement

Please click on the following link to view a Contemporary Autumn Arrangement demonstration by Paula Routledge, North Midlands Area Demonstrator:- https://youtu.be/RZA43sJ18e8 Best viewed at full screen and in HD  

Drying and Preserving Flowers

To view a video demonstration by Paula Routledge, Horticulturist and North Midlands Area Demonstrator on drying and preserving flowers, please click on the following link:- Best viewed at full screen and in HD.

The Power of Flowers

To coincide with the announcement by the Environment Secretary, George Eustice regarding a £4M plan that will have nature at the heart of a COVID-19 recovery scheme please click on the following link to read ‘The Power of Flowers’:- Power of Flowers_3pp  

How to Create an All-Foliage Arrangement

Please click on the following link to view a video by Chrissie Harten, Chairman, National Photography Committee demonstrating how to create an all-foliage arrangement:- https://youtu.be/n9XNHMGpoAs Best viewed in HD and at full screen.

How to Make a Living Lampshade #RHS Chelsea

Please click on the following link to view Carola Kean, NAFAS National Demonstrator video demonstration on How to Make a Living Lampshade #RHS Chelsea:- https://youtu.be/YmMpyQH3-BM Best viewed at full screen and in HD  

How to Make a Door Ring

Please click on the following link to access a video depicting how to make a Door Ring in appreciation of the NHS, Care Workers and all Key Workers. Best viewed at full screen and in HD  

Spread the Hope

Spread the Hope, a message from Katherine Kear, Area Chairman, Three Counties & South Wales:- “I do hope you are keeping safe during these unprecedented times. This week on my daily walks I noticed a variety of rainbow pictures, some homemade by children, some  printed, but I noticed them all. In folklore the rainbow has […]


Please see the following statement from the NAFAS Board of Directors concerning short notice cancellations of demonstrations – “When a demonstration is cancelled at short notice, it is hoped that clubs will reimburse in good faith the demonstrator for money already expended on flowers etc. as per the contractual obligations of the Blue Form. NAFAS asks […]

Alternative Mechanics – Using a Pinholder

Please click on the following link to view the video detailing Alternative Mechanics – Using a Pinholder:- https://www.youtube.com/embed/cJBTB8PTDC8 Best viewed at full screen and in HD  
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