The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies were honoured to be asked to arrange the floral displays at Westminster Abbey for the funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Kent Floral Art Area Chairman, Gill Smaggasgale, Sussex Area Chairman, Jilly Griffin, Westminster Abbey Coordinator, Marilyn Marsh and former Kent Floral Art Area Chairman Jean Schofield were responsible for displays in the centre of the Abbey. National President Michael Bowyer MBE and National Chairman, Katherine Kear MDPF arranged the designs at the High Altar.

Work took place on Friday, the flowers, as requested, were provided, foliage was provided by the Association, with symbolism and links to our Royal heritage, this included:

  • Oak and Beech for the Hearts of Oak, trees that built Tudor ships and Royal Stewardship of forests.
  • Myrtle for the Victorian tradition onwards of its inclusion in bridal bouquets.
  • Rosemary for remembrance.
  • Willow for sorrow and mourning.
  • Jasmine symbolising Gods gift.
  • Ivy for eternal life and fidelity.

To be asked by the Royal Family and Westminster Abbey was a tremendous honour and we pass on our sincere condolences to King Charles III and the Royal Family at this very sad time.

Michael Bowyer MBE, National President
Katherine Kear MDPF, National Chairman
Gill Smaggasgale, Area Chairman, Kent Floral Art
Jilly Griffin, Area Chairman, Sussex
Marilyn Marsh, NAFAS Westminster Co-Ordinator & Jean Schofield, Past Area Chairman, Kent Floral Art
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