Trustee Information Meeting

Want to know more about what it’s like to be a NAFAS Trustee??

If you’re tempted by the challenge of joining the Board of Trustees but are unsure what’s involved, then this is an opportunity for you to ask questions directly to the National Chairman and CEO. We are organising an open meeting with Nicky Wylie and Steven Lane on Thursday 8th August at 6.30pm – 7.30pm. Spaces will be limited because we want to be able to answer all the questions you have comprehensively and in an open and transparent manner. Topics covered will include:

  • Time commitment
  • Regularity of meetings
  • Teams and Committees you can join
  • How your skills can be used to take the Charity forward
  • Legal responsibilities
  • And much much more!

This is a great opportunity to ask all the questions you may have with absolutely no pressure or commitment. If you are a NAFAS member and would like to join the meeting, please email Vanessa Keys – and you will be sent a Zoom link to the meeting.

We look forward to meeting you.

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